You can help by making a donation to the 2807 Freight Locomotive Association.
If you are a U.K. tax payer then the donation can benefit from Gift Aid.
Alternatively you can become a member of the 2807 Freight Locomotive Association for just £10 per year.
Members will benefit from a quarterly newsletter, containing news about 2807, and articles about 2807 and other related topics.
If you are a U.K. tax payer then the membership payment can benefit from Gift Aid.
You can also help us by taking part in one of our sponsorship schemes.
For further information please contact the 2807FLA Secretary via the contacts page.
Another way to help is by doing your internet shopping via
If requested, select "2807 Freight Locomotive Association" as the organisation that you wish to help.
Helping us in this way will cost you nothing extra.
Finally, you can help us by making a donation. You can do this by sending a text message from your mobile phone. See our Donate by Text page for more details.